
Social Media Marketing

Need your business or new product to gain traction? With a custom tailored advertisement campaign we will get your message out into the world. 

Straight forward and effective.

Personal Branding

Play Video about freelance service videography berlin germany personal branding drone editing

Immersive, engaging, and enticing footage at every corner brings your ventures to the next level. From creative writing and directing to your day of shooting and a polished product.

I’ve got you covered.

Drone Operation

Play Video about freelance service videography berlin germany personal branding drone editing

State of the art professional footage. Daring maneuvers with years of experience.

  Cinematic done right.


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Hosting an event you want the world to see?

With multiple cameras, lenses, perspectives and styles, there’s a shot for every occasion.



Play Video about Video Editing Drone Operation Berlin Germany Europe Freelance Videographer Filming Photography Videography

Full audio & video processing using professional tools. From raw clips to to a final product with effects and corrections in one swift process.

Make it happen. 


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Tell more than a thousand words with the most classic form of visual representation. We shoot your subjects and have the material corrected and enhanced in no time. 

Simply professional.


Play Video about animation style freelance Berlin Germany english

Present your story in an easy to follow style for a pleasant, self explaining viewing experience. 

Lighthearted and effective.