About me

Get to know me in 1 minute

  • Born: 1995 in Berlin, Germany

  • Childhood Nicknames: Siem, Siemie, More, Elmore

  • Hobbies: Playing the Piano, Drums, Handpan; Reading, Breakdance, Skateboarding, Yoga, MMA

  • Cats or Dogs: Cats for Aesthetics, Dogs for Fun

  • Dream Car: Tesla Model S + Production/Living Van

  • Dream Camera: Panasonic GH6 (got it!)

  • Favorite Countries: Portugal, Spain, Germany

  • Favorite Places: Mountains, Ocean, Skatepark, Dance Hall, Gym

  • Favorite Musicians: Alwoods, Sensient, ETN, Lab’s Cloud

  • Favorite Movies: Waking Life, Avatar, The Matrix, Toy Story 

  • Favorite Food: Everything Asian, Traditional Mediterranean diet

Get to know me in 7 minutes

From an early age on, I dedicated a significant amount of time to the aquisition of technically artistic skills.

With a heavy emphasis on sketching and drawing, as well as on other manual endeavors like general usage of tools and crafting of objects, I fundamented my self for the years to come. To me, hobbies were all about studying certain systems. I drew animals to better understand anatomy or experimented with colors to get a sense of what emotions a certain palette portraits. The building of functional machines helped me figure out mechanical basics of how gears, levers and motors work. Screwing around on bicycles, toys and computers as well as working with wood and other materials further enhanced my understandings of the influence I have on my surroundings. This led me down a path of artistry and craftmanship. It therefore did not seem farfetched to narrow in on Graphic or Product Design after graduating Highschool, as it seemed to combine all of my interests.

Though still being fascinated with technical drawings and building of objects, I started getting more and more into Videography and developed a newfound passion for Cameras, Lenses, Composition and Editing Clips it self.

If “A picture is worth a thousand words“, how much worth is

“A video with a thousand pictures“? (1000000 words to be exact).

Staying true to my autodidactical nature, I quickly started investing a whole lot of time and money into the microverse of video production. I bought my self an action cam á la GoPro, then a high end Drone and finally a serious Mirrolress System and a bunch of interchangable lenses. I’ve always considered my self as having somewhat of a “nerd gene”, so it did not take me long to get deep into the weeds of this newly discovered language. I stumbled upon terms like ISO, Shutter Speed, Apperture and Focal Length which quickly started translating  into an actual visual sense.

It became evident that I had talent, which was backed up by previous skills that I gathered along. The manual precision I harnessed with detailed projects led to me being able to properly move a camera in natural motions. Having a background in music made my edits snappy and on beat. And having a good memory and understanding of computer systems made me be quickly able to feel at home in the complicated realm of video editing softwares with all its panels and keyboard shortcuts.

Though being familiar with all the technical aspects, I was never fully swept away by all its components and kept a raw side to my craft and self. After all, I have to be willing to be part what is happening in the picture, able to direct my subjects or follow them into uncomfortable positions for the best perspectives. It can quickly get down and dirty and overall fitness and flexibility is a must have.